
Cultural Documentation

We aim to locate, digitize, transcribe and make the work available to the public with open and free licenses. We are dedicated to addressing heritage preservation that is getting lost due to the environment and destruction caused by negligence. The best way to protect the cultural heritage is therefore knowledge and information that is easy to find and free. Digital preservation of underrepresented knowledge is the future of documentation of precious, rare knowledge of human civilization. Due to the devastating effects of time, calamity and human negligence, heritage is diminishing and many precious invaluable works have been destroyed during natural and manmade disasters.


The Open Heritage Foundation (OHF) builds from the collaboration with the communities and institutes working towards free knowledge equity and open movement with inclusive initiatives, campaigns, and projects.
The Open Heritage platform offers a set of multidisciplinary conduits for the exchange of expertise and experience amongst the community and institutions aiming to encourage debate and reflection on the importance of the open movement and its impact on communities and our daily life.

Events & Conferences

We organize various programs to increase awareness about open access and free licenses. Our events encourage contemporary artists and the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums) community to engage in the open dialogue about the challenges and the nuances of copyrights and the utility of the open-source platforms.